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Author Guidelines

General Requirement

  1. The article has not been published elsewhere and does not contain any elements of plagiarism. The article must be accompanied by the author's written permission.
  2. The article is a result of research, theoretical development, or case reports. The article can be written in Indonesian or English, with a minimum of 15 pages and a maximum of 25 pages, including the bibliography and tables. The article should be typed on A4-sized paper with a top margin of 0.95 cm, left margin of 3 cm, right margin of 2 cm, and bottom margin of 2.5 cm. The font used is Constantia, size 12, with 1.5 cm spacing. The title should be written in Indonesian, with a maximum of 15 words, or in English, following the same rule.
  3. The article must include the names of the authors. The order of multiple authors must be approved by the first, second, and subsequent authors. The sequence is usually based on the authors' contributions, and all authors are responsible for the content of the article. The author's name is written in bold using Palatino Linotype, size 12.
  4. The article must include the email address of the authors' university or institution. The author's address is written in Constantia font, size 9.

Specific Requirement

The structure of this journal adheres to the standard format of Scientific Research Reports (IMRaD), organized into 4 main sections: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion. Tittle Discussion for each formulated problem along with conclusions and recommendations (if any).


The abstract consists of: Introduction, Research objectives and/or scope, Methods used (brief), Summary of results/findings, Conclusions. The abstract is written in both Indonesian and English using 12px Contstantia font. The abstract should be a minimum of 150-300 words and only consist of 1 paragraph. The abstract is written with 1 space. Manuscripts written in Indonesian begin with an abstract in English, while those written in English begin with an abstract in Indonesian. The abstract is accompanied by 3-5 keywords representing the content of the manuscript. The abstract is written following proper writing conventions and should not use translations from Google Translate.


The introduction consists of 6 paragraphs with 3-5 sentences each. In the first paragraph, the background of the problem under investigation is outlined, along with the justification for examining the issue. This can be elucidated from the perspective of legal theory, divided into layers of legal science or philosophical foundations, juridical foundations, and/or sociological foundations that are relevant to the research. The second paragraph delineates the state of the art (literature review of previous similar studies) that serves as the basis to justify the contributions and novelty of the research. This should include a gap analysis, followed by a novelty statement highlighting the conclusions regarding the similarities and differences with previous research. The third paragraph encompasses the research's significance. The fourth paragraph addresses the legal problems/issues that constitute the focus of the study. The fifth paragraph outlines the research methodology employed, while the sixth paragraph succinctly and clearly states the research objectives, avoiding the use of sentences like "Based on the background, the objectives of this study are...". The manuscript to be uploaded to the Journal Perantara Law Review: Peradaban Hukum Nusantara consists of 15 to 25 pages. The initial sentence of each paragraph in the manuscript is indented to the right by 5 taps/1 cm, with 1.5 spacing, font size 12px, Constantia. Legal issues are formulated in paragraph format, without using numbering or bullets. The problem/issues are presented in the form of interrogative sentences.


The research method is based on citations from books or scientific journal articles, specifying the type of research (normative or empirical). This journal also accepts articles with socio-legal research types, provided that it is emphasized through an approach directly connected to the research relevance.


The discussion should be written with 1.5 spacing, and the structure should begin with the findings and continue to the discussion with citations written in a footnote style following the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition.


The conclusion contains the foundation of the discussion with a brief explanation. It may include recommendations (if any).


The bibliography can be obtained from various sources: books, documents, theses, dissertations, newspapers, journals, and the internet. In essence, it is recommended to use bibliography management applications such as Zotero. 23333

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.


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Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.